nordmedia - Film- und Mediengesellschaft Niedersachsen/Bremen mbH
About nordmedia

Funding - networking - developing! These terms essentially sum up the core activities of nordmedia. In its role as the central media funding organisation for Lower Saxony and Bremen, nordmedia has shaped the consolidation and development of the media branch in both of these North German states since 2001. Its head office is located in the German Pavilion of the Hanover Expo Park and it also runs a regional office in the “Weserhaus” in Bremen.
With regard to film and media funding, this is structured, organised and supervised according to cultural-economic criteria. In this respect, nordmedia provides funds for different phases of production of film, TV and interactive media projects. Besides this, the funding spectrum also includes investments, training and advisory offers, games funding, training schemes and festivals. The accompanying services of the film commission reinforce the effects of the allocated funds and enhance the attractiveness of filming locations in the two states for media creators. Besides contributions from the two states, the funding scheme is also financed by the broadcasters NDR, Radio Bremen and the ZDF. Accordingly, nordmedia allocates an average of 11 million Euros annually for funding projects within the framework of its film and media sponsorship scheme.
In the media and media development sector, nordmedia initiates and operates networks for branch players and organises regional and supra-regional events in cooperation with partners. This especially concerns innovative fields of development driven by technology. Last but not least, nordmedia also helps to promote the regions by participating in trade fairs and festivals (e.g. in Berlin and Cannes), and provides an opportunity for the regional media branch to establish international contacts. In this respect, the extensive nordmedia Internet portal, as well as social media channels (Facebook, Instagram) serve as an important platform for communication and information exchange.
By way of funding and accompanying service offers as well as networking and branch events, nordmedia creates important incentives and makes known the performance capabilities of branch players and the special opportunities offered by the two states at a supra-regional level.